
foobar :: IO (ParseResult [(String,String)])

ParseResult 是此处定义的单子:https ://hackage.haskell.org/package/haskell-src-exts-1.13.5/docs/Language-Haskell-Exts-Parser.html#t:ParseResult

我想将这些字符串写入https://hackage.haskell.org/package/HaTeX- m ()中定义的字符串


writeReport2 :: [Char] -> IO (ParseResult (IO ()))
writeReport2 name = do x <- foobar
                       return $ do y <- x
                                   return $ do z <- (execLaTeXT.docAndGraph) y
                                               renderFile fileName z
    fileName = name ++ ".tex"


writeReport :: t -> LaTeXT IO a -> IO ()
writeReport name report = createLatex >>= renderFile fileName
    createLatex = execLaTeXT report
    fileName = "AAAAA" ++ ".tex"

testFoo = [(" | HaskellExample Example File\n | Two examples are given below:\n\n >>> fib 10\n 55\n\n >>> putStrLn \"foo\\nbar\"\n foo\n bar ","fib :: Int -> Int"),("\n | This is a thing: ","fib = undefined"),("\n | This is a thing:\n","fibar :: String -> Float")]

itWorks = writeReport "AAAA.txt" $ docAndGraph testFoo




1 回答 1



我认为您的问题可能是返回值中的嵌套 IO 操作writeResport2

为了展平嵌套IO动作,我不得不使用以下函数join :: Monad m => m (m a) -> m aControl.Monad

main :: IO ()
main = join $ fromParseResult <$> writeReport2 "test"


{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Main where

import           Language.Haskell.Exts.Parser
import           Text.LaTeX.Base.Writer
import           Text.LaTeX
import           Data.String
import           Control.Monad

foobar :: IO (ParseResult [(String, String)])
foobar = return (ParseOk testFoo)

testFoo = [ ( " | HaskellExample Example File\n | Two examples are given below:\n\n >>> fib 10\n 55\n\n >>> putStrLn \"foo\\nbar\"\n foo\n bar "
            , "fib :: Int -> Int"
          , ("\n | This is a thing: ", "fib = undefined")
          , ("\n | This is a thing:\n", "fibar :: String -> Float")

docAndGraph :: Monad m => [(String, String)] -> LaTeXT m ()
docAndGraph x = do
    documentclass [] article
    document $
        raw (fromString (show x))

writeReport2 :: [Char] -> IO (ParseResult (IO ()))
writeReport2 name = do
    x <- foobar
    return $ do
        y <- x
        return $ do
            z <- (execLaTeXT . docAndGraph) y
            renderFile fileName z
    fileName = name ++ ".tex"

main :: IO ()
main = join $ fromParseResult <$> writeReport2 "test"

加载到 GHCi:

$ stack ghci
io-action-nested-in-other-monads-not-executing- initial-build-steps (exe)
Configuring GHCi with the following packages: io-action-nested-in-other-monads-not-executing
Using main module: 1. Package `io-action-nested-in-other-monads-not-executing' component exe:io-action-nested-in-other-monads-not-executing with main-is file: /home/sven/dev/stackoverflow-questions/io-action-nested-in-other-monads-not-executing/src/Main.hs
GHCi, version 8.0.2: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/  :? for help
Loaded GHCi configuration from /home/sven/.ghc/ghci.conf
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( /home/sven/dev/stackoverflow-questions/io-action-nested-in-other-monads-not-executing/src/Main.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
Loaded GHCi configuration from /tmp/ghci22616/ghci-script


λ main


$ cat test.tex 
\documentclass{article}\begin{document}[(" | HaskellExample Example File\n | Two examples are given below:\n\n >>> fib 10\n 55\n\n >>> putStrLn \"foo\\nbar\"\n foo\n bar ","fib :: Int -> Int"),("\n | This is a thing: ","fib = undefined"),("\n | This is a thing:\n","fibar :: String -> Float")]\end{document}%                                                                        

我知道这不是问题的范围,但是IO如果需要,您可以通过 doinf 来规避嵌套,例如:

writeReport3 :: [Char] -> IO ()
writeReport3 name = do
    let fileName = name ++ ".tex"
    x <- foobar
    case x of
      ParseOk y -> do
        z <- execLaTeXT (docAndGraph y)
        renderFile fileName z
      ParseFailed _ _ ->
        return ()

main :: IO ()
main = writeReport3 "test"
于 2017-02-22T04:52:15.550 回答