So, I'm trying to use the ebaysdk-python module, to connect to ebay and get a list of orders. After struggle a little bit with the connection, I've finally have found the ebay.yaml syntax. I have then configured the user and password, but I'm receiving this Error 16112.

So, this is my question: is there a way to connect to ebay without interactivity? I mean, without the need to give the permission to get the token and such (oauth)?


1 回答 1


我终于找到了这样做的方法:我使用方法 auth'n'auth 创建了一个用户令牌。这个用户令牌有将近一年的有效期,所以它可以用于我的目的。现在,还有另一个问题。

于 2017-02-22T00:53:37.043 回答