尝试在 C# 中获取字符串宽度以模拟自动换行和文本位置(现在用richTextBox 编写)。

RichTextBox 的大小为 555x454 像素,我使用等宽字体 Courier New 12pt。



但是Graphics另一方面,使用 using 时,我的代码确定特定字符串比它在原始richTextBox 中打印的要短,因此它被包装到错误位置的下一行。

在调试过程中,我发现计算出的宽度不同,这很奇怪,因为我使用等宽字体,所以所有字符的宽度都应该相同。但我从Graphics.MeasureString()(例如:'' - 5.33333254,'S' - 15.2239571,'\r' - 5.328125)得到类似的东西。

如何使用 C# 准确计算字符串宽度,从而模拟自动换行并确定以像素为单位的特定文本位置?


注意:我正在从事个人眼动追踪项目,我想确定在实验期间将特定文本放置在哪里,这样我就可以知道用户在看哪些词。例如。当时t用户正在查看 [256,350]px 点,我知道在这个地方有方法调用WriteLine。我的目标视觉刺激是源代码,带有缩进、制表符、行尾,放置在一些可编辑的文本区域(将来可能是一些简单的在线源代码编辑器)。


    //before method call
    var font = new Font("Courier New", 12, GraphicsUnit.Point);
    var graphics = this.CreateGraphics();
    var wrapped = sourceCode.WordWrap(font, 555, graphics);

    public static List<string> WordWrap(this string sourceCode, Font font, int width, Graphics g)
            var wrappedText = new List<string>(); // output
            var actualLine = new StringBuilder();
            var actualWidth = 0.0f; // temp var for computing actual string length
            var lines = Regex.Split(sourceCode, @"(?<=\r\n)"); // split input to lines and maintain line ending \r\n where they are
            string[] wordsOfLine;

            foreach (var line in lines)
                wordsOfLine = Regex.Split(line, @"( |\t)").Where(s => !s.Equals("")).ToArray(); // split line by tabs and spaces and maintain delimiters separately

                foreach (string word in wordsOfLine)
                    var wordWidth = g.MeasureString(word, font).Width; // compute width of word

                    if (actualWidth + wordWidth > width) // if actual line width is grather than width of text area
                        wrappedText.Add(actualLine.ToString()); // add line to list
                        actualLine.Clear(); // clear StringBuilder
                        actualWidth = 0; // zero actual line width

                    actualLine.Append(word); // add word to actual line
                    actualWidth += wordWidth; // add word width to actual line width

                if (actualLine.Length > 0) // if there is something in actual line add it to list
                actualLine.Clear(); // clear vars
                actualWidth = 0;

            return wrappedText;

2 回答 2


我相信通过在屏幕上给定位置下获取角色来完成任务要容易得多。例如,如果您使用的是 RichTextBox 控件,请参考RichTextBox.GetCharIndexFromPosition方法来获取离指定位置最近的字符的索引。这是一些演示该想法的示例代码:

private void richTextBox1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    var textIndex = richTextBox1.GetCharIndexFromPosition(e.Location);
    if (richTextBox1.Text.Length > 0)
        label1.Text = richTextBox1.Text[textIndex].ToString();
于 2017-02-21T11:19:35.273 回答

So I finally added some things in my code. I will shorten it.

public static List<string> WordWrap(this string sourceCode, Font font, int width, Graphics g)
        g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;
        var format = StringFormat.GenericTypographic;
        format.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.MeasureTrailingSpaces;

        var width = g.MeasureString(word, font, 0, format).Width;

With this corrections I get correct width of common characters (with use of monospaced font i get equal widths).

But there is still problem with other whitespaces like \t and \n where I get 0.0078125 and 9.6015625 when measuring width with Courier New, 12pt font. The second value is a width of any character typed with this font so it is not a big problem but it would be better to be 0 or am I wrong? If anybody have a suggestion to solve this problem leave a comment please.

于 2017-02-21T17:00:11.940 回答