Feature: Rewards for frequent flyers
As a frequent flyer
I should receive points to my account
So that I am more likely to book with BDD Airlines again in the future
Scenario: I get flyer miles
Given I book a flight
And this flight earns 100 miles
When I land
Then my account should have 100 miles added to it
问题是,这是否概述了整个问题,还是需要更多信息?开发团队是否能够使用这个对话来构建一些东西(正如你关于 SBE 的那样)?
Feature: Rewards for frequent flyers
As a frequent flyer
I should receive points to my account
So that I am more likely to book with BDD Airlines again in the future
Scenario: Passenger gets flyer miles
Given the account number 12341234 has a ticket for the "LGW-MAN" flight
And this route earns 100 miles
And the ticket is scanned at "LGW"
When the flight lands at "MAN"
Then the account 12341234 is rewarded 100 miles
Scenario: Passenger missed their flight
Given the account number 12341234 has a ticket for the "LGW-MAN" flight
And this route earns 100 miles
And the ticket is not scanned at "LGW"
When the flight lands at "MAN"
Then the account 12341234 is not rewarded any miles
Scenario: Passenger gets kicked off the plane
Given the account number 12341234 has a ticket for the "LGW-MAN" flight
And this route earns 100 miles
And the ticket is scanned at "LGW"
But the ticket is removed from the flight
When the flight lands at "MAN"
Then the account 12341234 is not rewarded any miles