我目前正在用 OpenSSL 替换 Mcrypt,因为 Mcrypt 将在 PHP 7.1 中被弃用。我需要一种方法来获取每个算法的块大小,例如mcrypt_get_block_size()
我目前正在用 OpenSSL 替换 Mcrypt,因为 Mcrypt 将在 PHP 7.1 中被弃用。我需要一种方法来获取每个算法的块大小,例如mcrypt_get_block_size()
不幸的是, php-openssl没有可以为您提供密码块大小的 API。如果你真的需要它,你必须对 blockSize 进行硬编码(每个算法)。
PKCS#7 填充,OpenSSL默认情况下已经为分组密码算法执行了该填充。因此,您可能根本不需要这个。
以下函数可用作 PHP >= 5.4.0 的替代品。它只是将块长度从openssl_encrypt()
if (!function_exists('openssl_cipher_block_length')) {
* Returns the block length for a given cipher.
* @param string $cipher
* A cipher method (see openssl_get_cipher_methods()).
* @retval int
* The cipher's block length.
* Returns false if the actual length cannot be determined.
* Returns 0 for some cipher modes that do not use blocks
* to encrypt data.
* @note
* PHP >= 5.4.0 is required for this function to work.
function openssl_cipher_block_length($cipher)
$ivSize = @openssl_cipher_iv_length($cipher);
// Invalid or unsupported cipher.
if (false === $ivSize) {
return false;
$iv = str_repeat("a", $ivSize);
// Loop over possible block sizes, from 1 upto 1024 bytes.
// The upper limit is arbitrary but high enough that is
// sufficient for any current & foreseeable cipher.
for ($size = 1; $size < 1024; $size++) {
$output = openssl_encrypt(
// Try varying the length of the raw data
str_repeat("a", $size),
// Cipher to use
// OpenSSL expands the key as necessary,
// so this value is actually not relevant.
// Disable data padding: php_openssl will return false
// if the input data's length is not a multiple
// of the block size.
// We also pass OPENSSL_RAW_DATA so that PHP does not
// base64-encode the data (since we just throw it away
// afterwards anyway)
// Feed it with an IV to avoid nasty warnings.
// The actual value is not relevant as long as
// it has the proper length.
if (false !== $output) {
return $size;
// Could not determine the cipher's block length.
return false;
$method = 'AES-256-CBC';
$iv = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(openssl_cipher_iv_length($method));
$block_size = strlen(openssl_encrypt('', $method, '', OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv));
可能对您有所帮助的更通用的方法涉及使用此 polyfill:mcrypt_compat。polyfill 是一个库,它实现了尚未/不再支持的功能。
第 1 步:使用 Composer 安装库
composer require phpseclib/mcrypt_compat
第 2 步:在使用 mcrypt 函数的 PHP 脚本顶部需要 Composer 的自动加载器(确保相对路径正确)
这个 PHP 脚本中的函数了
txigreman 这个解决方案对我有用,我设法将 MCRYPT 代码更改为使用 OPENSSL 这是我的加密功能,它取代了 MCRYPT 我混合了 MCRYPT 的一些代码和 openssl 的新代码,虽然解密不起作用,但我可以打开提供商的付款页面并完成付款-这就是我需要的,然后将我重定向到成功页面,NeO.network.ae 支付网关
public $method = 'aes-256-cbc';
$this->EncryptedString = $this->encryptData($this->beforeEncryptionString, $this->merchantKey, $this->method);
public function encryptData(string $data, string $key, string $method): string
$ivSize = openssl_cipher_iv_length($method);
$iv = 'YOUR_IV';
$size = strlen(openssl_encrypt('', $method, '', OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv));
$pad = $size - ( strlen( $data ) % $size );
$padtext = $data . str_repeat( chr( $pad ), $pad );
$encrypted = openssl_encrypt($padtext, $method, base64_decode( $key ), OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv);
$encrypted = base64_encode($encrypted);
return $encrypted;