- 为 wp.media 框架添加“关闭”事件
- 从关闭事件中的 wp.media 获取简码并将其传递给输入
- 在 wordpress 上添加一个 save_action 挂钩以在保存/发布帖子时保存此值
- 此外,您可能需要从输入中获取当前画廊项目并将其传递给 wp.media 框架,以便用户可以看到先前选择的图像。
您可以使用以下工作代码并测试您的 WordPress 安装。
//add action for the custom gallery
add_action("add_meta_boxes", "add_custom_meta_box_gallery");
function add_custom_meta_box_gallery()
add_meta_box("demo-meta-box", "Custom Meta Box", "custom_meta_box_gallery_markup", "post");
function custom_meta_box_gallery_markup($object)
wp_nonce_field(basename(__FILE__), "meta-box-nonce");
<label for="meta-box-text">Gallery</label>
<!-- avoid double quote for with value as shortcode string also has doulbe qoutes. so instead of value="..." use value='....' -->
<input value='<?php echo get_post_meta($object->ID, "meta-box-gallery", true); ?>' id="itv_additional_image_1" class="input-text" name="meta-box-gallery" placeholder="" type="text">
<input id="additional_image_1" name="additional_image_1" value="Browse" type="button">
//utility function to convert the string shortcode to wp.media selection
function select(shortcode) {
var shortcode = wp.shortcode.next('gallery', shortcode);
var defaultPostId = wp.media.gallery.defaults.id;
var attachments;
var selection;
// Bail if we didn't match the shortcode or all of the content.
if (!shortcode) {
shortcode = shortcode.shortcode;
if (typeof shortcode.get('id') != 'undefined' && typeof defaultPostId != 'undefined') {
shortcode.set('id', defaultPostId);
attachments = wp.media.gallery.attachments(shortcode);
selection = new wp.media.model.Selection(attachments.models, {
props : attachments.props.toJSON(),
multiple: true
selection.gallery = attachments.gallery;
* Fetch the query's attachments, and then break ties from the query to allow for sorting.
selection.more().done(function () {
// Break ties with the query.
query: false
return selection;
//better to use javascript-self-invoking-functions to avoid variable leaks
var meta_image_frame_gallery;
$( '#additional_image_1' ).click(function( event ) {
//var images = $( '#itv_additional_image_1' ).val();
//var gallery_state = images ? 'gallery-edit' : 'gallery-library';
if ( meta_image_frame_gallery ) {
//get the current gallery items
var currentItems = select($('#itv_additional_image_1').val());
// create new media frame
// You have to create new frame every time to control the Library state as well as selected images
meta_image_frame_gallery = wp.media.frames.wp_media_frame = wp.media( {
title: 'My Gallery', // it has no effect but I really want to change the title
frame: "post",
//toolbar: 'main-gallery',
state: 'gallery-library',
selection: currentItems,
library: {
type: 'image'
multiple: true
} );
//add close event to the frame
meta_image_frame_gallery.on('close',function() {
//fetch the gallery state
var controller = meta_image_frame_gallery.states.get('gallery-library');
var library = controller.get('library');
//get the shortcode and update the input field
var new_shortcode = wp.media.gallery.shortcode(library).string();
//open the wp.media frame
} );
//save the value
function save_custom_meta_box_gallery($post_id, $post, $update)
if (!isset($_POST["meta-box-nonce"]) || !wp_verify_nonce($_POST["meta-box-nonce"], basename(__FILE__)))
return $post_id;
if(!current_user_can("edit_post", $post_id))
return $post_id;
return $post_id;
$slug = "post";
if($slug != $post->post_type)
return $post_id;
$meta_box_text_value = "";
$meta_box_text_value = $_POST["meta-box-gallery"];
update_post_meta($post_id, "meta-box-gallery", $meta_box_text_value);
add_action("save_post", "save_custom_meta_box_gallery", 10, 3);
如果你觉得这太难了,你可以试试ACF 插件中的ACF Gallery 模块