I've created an extension in TFS2017. It's basically a tab to display the linked workitems with some details on the selected pull request.
The problem is that I'm unable to get the id and other data that are needed to use them as parameters in order to use call the method getPullRequestWorkItems() which basically gets the work items on the current pull request.
The method VSS.getWebContext() doesn't provide the needed data, and I've tried to do something like window.parent.location.href but this is not because I get error like securityError: Blocked a frame with origin from accessing a cross-origin frame.
I have installed the contribution guide extension to get the availabe context and configuration data but the configuration is empty:
I could solve this task using the getConfiguration() as suggested by Eddie - MSFT. This requires updating TFS to 2017.1RC2 if you are the extension running onprem.