您不能将端口 9080 与 HTTPS 一起使用……
它是带有端口 9080 的 HTTP 或带有端口 443 的 HTTPS。
我猜您指的是在 MobileFirst CLI 中添加服务器配置文件。有文档可以帮助您。
$ mfpdev server add
? Enter the name of the new server profile: MyBluemixServer
? Enter the fully qualified URL of this server: https://mobilefoundation-7abcd-server.mybluemix.net:443
? Enter the MobileFirst Server administrator login ID: admin
? Enter the MobileFirst Server administrator password: *****
? Save the administrator password for this server?: Yes
? Enter the context root of the MobileFirst administration services: mfpadmin
? Enter the MobileFirst Server connection timeout in seconds: 30
? Make this server the default?: Yes
Verifying server configuration...
The following runtimes are currently installed on this server: mfp
Server profile 'MyBluemixServer' added successfully.