如何在我的 AEM 生产作者中为我现有的所有 DAM 资产(5000 项资产)设置新元数据。

AEM 环境:AEM 6.1


2 回答 2


I would add this metadata programmatically. Select all assets: resourceResolver.findResources("/jcr:root/content/dam//element(*,dam:Asset)", "xpath") and for each asset add required metadata.

Nowadays in AEM standard de-facto is groovyconsole for all tasks like migration changes/repository updates etc. If you don't want to install it on production env you still can create java class which will be executed on bundle start or you can create servlet which you can call manually.

Note: in groovyconsole you can use standard java code without any changes if you don't want to learn groovy.

于 2017-02-21T07:47:43.793 回答

如果要基于图像设置元数据,我建议通过安装 ACS AEM Tools 包来使用 CSV 资产导入器。在这里,您需要在 Excel 中为每个资产提供元数据。


于 2018-10-06T15:29:33.353 回答