struct test
void f() {};
test t1;
using memfun_t = void (test::*)();
memfun_t mf = &test::f;
auto a1 = &test::f; // OK
auto a2 = t1.*mf; // error
auto a3 = &(t1.*mf); // still no luck
Any ideas why this can't be deduced? I would appreciate answers referencing the Standard.
Edit :
I have found a RAD Studio language extension called __closure that appears to be addressing this issue.1 Here is the code :
class base {
void func(int x) {
typedef void(base::*pBaseMember)(int);
class derived : public base {
void new_func(int i) {
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
derived derivedObject;
void(__closure * derivedClosure)(int);
// Get a pointer to the ‘new_func’ member.
// Note the closure is associated with the
// particular object, ‘derivedObject’.
derivedClosure = derivedObject.new_func;
derivedClosure(3); // Call ‘new_func’ through the closure.
return 0;