我目前正在使用 emacs sql-mode 作为我的 sql shell,一个(简化的)查询响应如下:

my_db=# select * from visit limit 4;

num |        visit_key            |          created           |    expiry
 1  | 0f6fb8603f4dfe026d88998d81a | 2008-03-02 15:17:56.899817 | 2008-03-02
 2  | 7c389163ff611155f97af692426 | 2008-02-14 12:46:11.02434  | 2008-02-14
 3  | 3ecba0cfb4e4e0fdd6a8be87b35 | 2008-02-14 16:33:34.797517 | 2008-02-14
 4  | 89285112ef2d753bd6f5e51056f | 2008-02-21 14:37:47.368657 | 2008-02-21
(4 rows)


my_db=# select visit_key, created from visit where expiry = '2008-03-02' 
           and num > 10;


是否有一个 SQL DB shell 可以更一致地显示其内容,以便我可以最大限度地减少这种编辑?例如

num, visit_key, created, expiry           
(1, '0f6fb8603f4dfe026d88998d81a', '2008-03-02 15:17:56.899817', '2008-03-02')


(num=1, visit_key='0f6fb8603f4dfe026d88998d81a', 
    created='2008-03-02 15:17:56.899817', expiry='2008-03-02')      

我正在使用 postgresql 顺便说一句。


2 回答 2


Here's one idea, which is similar to what I do sometimes, though I'm not sure that it's exactly what you're asking for:

Run a Lisp compiler (like SBCL) in SLIME. Then load CLSQL. It has a "Functional Data Manipulation Language" (SELECT documentation) which might help you do something like you want, perhaps in conjunction with SLIME's autocompletion capabilities. If not, it's easy to define Lisp functions and macros (assuming you know Lisp, but you're already an Emacser!).

Out-of-the-box, it doesn't give the nicely formatted tables that most SQL interfaces have, but even that isn't too hard to add. And Lisp is certainly powerful enough to let one easily come up with ways to make your common operations easier.

于 2010-11-26T20:05:35.727 回答

我发现 psql 中的以下更改在某种程度上给了我同音性:

=# select remote_ip, referer, http_method, time from hit limit 1;
    remote_ip    | referer | http_method |           time            
-----------------+---------+-------------+--------------------------- |         | GET         | 2013-08-27 08:01:42.38808
(1 row)
=# \a
Output format is unaligned.
=# \f ''', '''
Field separator is "', '".
=# \t
Showing only tuples.
=# select remote_ip, referer, http_method, time from hit limit 1;', '', 'GET', '2013-08-27 08:01:42.38808


于 2013-10-03T10:33:34.660 回答