- 转换表格 > 单元格 > 字符数组,然后
- 操作 char 字符串,然后
- 从 char-array > cell > table 转换回来
此外,还有一点很重要,即以向量化的方式用“空”字符填充所有长度较短的单元格。没有这个,就不可能从 cell > char-array 转换。这是代码。clc 清除所有
%% create Table T
T = table(d,t,dat);
%% deal with dates in Table T
% separate date column and convert to cell
dd = table2cell(T(:,1));
% equalize the lengths of all elements of cell
% by padding 'null' in end of shorter dates
func = @(x) [x,zeros(1,nmax-numel(x))];
temp1 = cellfun(func,dd,'UniformOutput',false);
% convert to array for vectorized manipulation of char strings
% replace the separators in 3rd and 6th location with '.' (period)
ddd(:,[3 6]) = repmat(['.' '.'], length(dd),1);
% find indexes of shorter dates
short_year_idx = find(uint16(ddd(:,nmax)) == 0);
% find the year value for those short_year cases
yy = ddd(short_year_idx,[7 8]);
% replace null chars with '20XX' string in desirted place
ddd(short_year_idx,7:nmax) = ...
[repmat('20',size(short_year_idx,1),1) yy];
% convert char array back to cell and replace in table
dddd = mat2cell(ddd,ones(1,size(d,1)),nmax);
T(:,1) = table(dddd);
%% deal with times in Table T
% separate time column and convert to cell
tt = table2cell(T(:,2));
% equalize the lengths of all elements of cell
% by padding 'null' in end of shorter times
func = @(x) [x,zeros(1,nmax-numel(x))];
temp1 = cellfun(func,tt,'UniformOutput',false);
% convert to array for vectorized manipulation of char strings
% find indexes of shorter times (assuming only ':00' in end is missing
short_time_idx = find(uint16(ttt(:,nmax)) == 0);% dirty hack, as null=0 in ascii
% replace null chars with ':00' string
ttt(short_time_idx,[6 7 8]) = repmat(':00',size(short_time_idx,1),1);
% convert char array back to cell and replace in table
tttt = mat2cell(ttt,ones(1,size(t,1)),nmax);
T(:,2) = table(tttt);