我刚刚将我的 react 应用程序从 webpack 1 更新到 webpack 2。但是,我的包大小增加了 ~30Kb。我希望捆绑包的大小会减小,我如何确认摇树有效。为什么增加?


2 回答 2


TL;DR: As of version 2.3, webpack doesn't have any tree shaking. It merely uses UglifyJS to remove unused code.

First we must define what is tree shaking.

  • Stackoverflow defines it as "dead code elimination algorithm for modern javascript".

  • Webpack clarifies that it relies on ES2015 module import/export for the static structure of its module system.

  • Rollup (which originally popularized the term) also has a similar explanation.

So we can deduce a specific definition: static exclusion of unused ES module exports.

Now, let's see which stages of transformation each module usually has:

  • babel-loader is fed an entry point which is a javascript file in some module format. Babel can either transform it to another module format of leave it as is (module: false)
  • webpack will statically parse the file and find imported modules (using some sort of regexp)
  • webpack will either transform the module format (if babel doesn't tranform it already) or add some wrappers (for commonjs modules)
  • imported module becomes an entry point and goes to babel-loader
  • after all modules are loaded and transformed, uglify will process the result bunle and remove unused code (unused: true)

Now, we can see that while uglify can remove unused exports it doesn't actually rely on ES module syntax. It's just a general purpose dead code elimination so it can't be defined as "Tree shaking".

So how can we confirm whether webpack has tree shaking?

  • First of all, all the code must be in ES module format.
  • As it was already mentioned in another answer we must disable Uglify.
  • We also must disable babel's module transformation as we can't know whether a module is used at that phase.

And now if webpack actually implements a tree shaking algorithm we can confirm it by looking at the bundle size of this entry point:

import { keyBy } from 'lodash-es'; // lodash is in ES module format

console.log(keyBy([{ key: 'value' }], 'key'));

If webpack does have tree shaking the result should be tens of kilobytes. If it doesn't it would be half a megabyte or more.

于 2017-04-09T19:23:29.560 回答


  1. 关闭缩小/丑化
  2. 在您知道未使用的某些函数中插入注释
  3. 检查输出以查看这些评论是否存在

Webpack 还可以显示每个导入模块/包的大小。例如,在工作中,我们有一个包含 lodash 和 underscore 的包,因为我们使用的其中一个库需要它们中的每一个;webpack 清楚地显示了每个包增加了多少千字节:

lodash 和 underscore 的 webpack 包大小


于 2017-02-13T18:39:49.980 回答