我以前也遇到过同样的问题。我花了至少 3 天的时间做研究。我试图找到很多解决方案,但我发现为零。
How I solve is
1. Up To JellyBean
- Use System Alert Dialog (And make it transparent and small size like 2 * 2 And display in some corner(User can't see it)). User can't press home button If there is system Alert dialog
2. After JellyBean, This method doesn't work. The user can press the home button even though there is System Alert Dialog.
so what I did is, start the service on stop and start the same activity again and again(within sec). So user can't see any difference.Don't forget to make activity as single task so that even though you start same activity from service, again and again, new activity will not create (So Ugly way )
- You can simple make screen full screen. make sure in kiosk mode try to check if the screen is in full-screen mode. if not make it full-screen mode(its not hard to do)
- other way is to make launcher app but when ever you pressed home button it always asked to choose launcher app. if user mistakenly choose default/ other launcher app, this solution doesnt work
Good luck