I have just learned C++ for a little bit, and discover some special functions.

Example 1

bool operator<(const B& b1,const B& b2)
bool B::operator<(const B& b2) const
//recognized by std::sort

Example 2

MyIterator C::begin();
MyIterator begin(C& c);
//recognized by range-based loop

As far as I know, those function are specially recognized in C++.
(Furthermore, in each pair, they are somehow recognized in the same manner.)


What are the list of all functions that are recognized as special?
In other words, is there any part in C++ (official) specification that summarizes the list of them + how special they are?

I believe that if I blindly code without this knowledge, I may make some silly mistake, especially when interact with std:: class.

Sorry for a not-so-sensible topic name, but I can't think of a better one.


1 回答 1


IMO,以下在 C++ 中特别处理:

  • main(), 有超过 1 个有效语法
  • 构造函数和析构函数
  • 某些特殊关键字,用作类似函数:4 个强制转换 ( static, dynamic, const, reinterpret) 和typeid
  • begin()&end()方法或函数在处理基于范围的for循环时被特殊处理
  • 各种重载运算符
  • 转换运算符,例如struct A { operator int (); };


但是,您对搞砸的恐惧namespace std是错误的。它确实包含一些标准功能,但除非你不这样做using namespace std,否则不用担心会搞砸。

于 2017-02-13T07:15:56.400 回答