I'm trying to use Araxis Merge to diff two branches of my git repo. When using git difftool, it opens each file one at a time (including a lot of libraries I don't need to worry about). When using hg, I get a nice folder view from the command line. I found this SO topic:

using araxis merge for folder comparison on git branches (OSX)

but when I follow the instructions (including on the Araxis Merge docs), I get this error:

The operation couldn’t be completed. Operation not supported (0x8000002D)

I also tried to get the "Versions" menu drop-down to work: here (https://www.araxis.com/merge/documentation-windows/plugin-git under the section "PREPARING MERGE TO USE THE PLUGIN") it states "tested with Git for Windows."

I'm using Araxis Professional Edition v2016.4774

Has anyone gotten this to work on Mac? Thanks in advance!


1 回答 1


哦,我终于找到了解决方案,以防其他人正在寻找。诀窍是在 git 命令行上使用 --dir-diff 选项,如下所示:

git difftool --dir-diff aBranchName..anotherBranchName

在这里找到它:在 Git 中使用 Winmerge 归档差异

这将在文件夹比较视图中打开 Araxis。虽然仍然无法从 Araxis Merge 中打开与 git 版本的文件夹比较...

于 2017-02-11T00:02:06.080 回答