在 ng-repeat 中按 $index 添加音轨,并在选择标签中添加 ng-disabled
<div ng-controller='MyController'>
<div ng-repeat="exam_student in exam_students track by $index">
ng-options="student.id as student.name for student in students"
ng-disabled="exam_students.length > 1 && exam_students.length > $index + 1">
<button type="button" ng-click="removeStudent($index)">-</button>
<button type="button" ng-click="addStudent()">Add Student</button>
Exam_students.length > 1 是为了防止第一个字段被禁用
==================================================== ==========================更新答案。我没有将 select 与 ng-options 一起使用,而是选择将 select 与 ng-repeat 选项一起使用。这是我尝试过但没有工作的方法。
ng-options="student.id as student.name disable when student.disable for student in students"
这些选项可以被禁用。不幸的是,Angular 不允许我将值设置为 ng-model,因为该选项已被禁用。一种解决方法是使用带有 ng-repeat 选项的 select
<div ng-controller='MyController'>
<div ng-repeat="exam_student in exam_students track by $index">
<select ng-model="exam_student.student_id" ng-change="hasChange()">
<option ng-repeat="student in students" value={{::student.id}} ng-disabled="student.disable">{{::student.name}}</option>
<button type="button" ng-click="removeStudent($index)">-</button>
<button type="button" ng-click="addStudent()">Add Student</button>
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('MyController', ['$scope', MyController]);
function MyController($scope) {
// I suggest adding an empty object so that we can re-select the options
$scope.students = [{},{id: 1, name: 'st1', disable: false},
{id: 2, name: 'st2', disable: false},
{id: 3, name: 'st3', disable: false}];
$scope.exam_students = [{}];
$scope.addStudent = function(){
$scope.removeStudent = function(index){
$scope.hasChange = function() {
// using a lookup table, instead of 2 nested loops, for a better performance when the list gets large
var lookupTable = {};
// store the student_id in the lookupTable and set it to true
// worth noting since I am using option tag, student_id will be stored as string instead of number, but it is ok because key in javascript object will be converted to string
$scope.exam_students.forEach(function(exam_student) {
lookupTable[exam_student.student_id] = true;
// or lookupTable[Number(exam_student.student_id)] = true;
// loop through the options and if student_id is true/there, set disable accordingly
$scope.students.forEach(function(student) {
if(lookupTable[student.id]) {
student.disable = true;
}else {
student.disable = false;
//or student.disable = lookupTable[student.id];