我的问题涉及事件以及我在课堂上触发事件的位置。这个类包装了我的 TCP 功能,我正在使用 TcpListener 来实现这一点。我意识到以下示例中可能缺少一些 TCP 内容,但我想让事情尽可能简单:
c# 2.0 示例
class MyTcpClass
public delegate void ClientConnectHandler(Socket client, int clientNum);
public event ClientConnectHandler ClientConnect;
private Socket wellKnownSocket;
private Socket[] clientSockets = new Socket[MAX_CLIENTS];
private int numConnected = 0;
private void OnClientConnect(Socket client, int clientNum)
if (ClientConnect != null)
ClientConnect(client, clientNum);
public void StartListening()
//initialize wellKnownSocket
wellKnownSocket.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(internal_clientConnect);
public void internal_clientConnect(IAsyncResult ar)
//Add client socket to clientSocket[numConnected]
OnClientConnect(clientSocket[numConnected], numConnected);
//error: event happens on different thread!!
class MainForm
void Button_click()
MyTcpClass mtc = new MyTcpClass();
mtc.ClientConnect += mtc_ClientConnected;
void mtc_clientConnected(Socket client, int clientNum)
ActivityListBox.Items.Add("Client #" + clientNum.ToString() + " connected.");
//exception: cannot modify control on seperate thread
class MainForm
public MainForm()
MyTcpClass mtc = new MyTcpClass();
MyTcpClass2 mtc2 = new MyTcpClass2(this);
//this version holds a Form handle to invoke the event
mtc.ClientConnect += mtc_uglyClientConnect;
mtc2.ClientConnect += mtc2_smartClientConnect;
//This event is being called in the AsyncCallback of MyTcpClass
//the main form handles invoking the control, I want to avoid this
void mtc_uglyClientConnect(Socket s, int n)
if (mycontrol.InvokeRequired)
//call begininvoke to update mycontrol
mycontrol.text = "Client " + n.ToString() + " connected.";
//This is slightly cleaner, as it is triggered in MyTcpClass2 by using its
//passed in Form handle's BeginInvoke to trigger the event on its own thread.
//However, I also want to avoid this because referencing a form in a seperate class
//while having it (the main form) observe events in the class as well seems... bad
void mtc2_smartClientConnect(Socket s, int n)
mycontrol.text = "Client " + n.ToString() + " connected.";