我认为谷歌不会想要妥协他们通过 Adsense 产生的估计每秒 77 亿美元的收入。了解google,他们的思考过程可能是这样的:
1 - 大多数人直接链接到源 URL。(收入 = 73 亿美元/秒)
2 - 有些人没有。他们复制源代码并将其放在脚本标签之间。(收入 = 4 亿美元/秒)。
GoogleBot7: Login Successful. Logged in as Sergey.
GoogleBot7: Determine -now -truth -of -whatiamthinking
/* begin GoogleBot 7 Inference Mastication Profitization Conundrum Decisionism */
GoogleBot7: Thank you GoogleBot 1, we must maintain backward compatibility in
case lazy site owners have done the copy/paste thingie.
$0.4 billion p/s is required for Sergey MARS Palace I.
/* end GoogleBot 7 Inference Mastication Profitization Conundrum Decisionism */
GoogleBot7: > Anything else, Sergey?
GoogleBot7: exit