有没有办法隐藏/保护/混淆 MS SQL 存储过程?


10 回答 10


I can vaguely understand obfuscating code if it's extremely advanced in what it does, but I think obfuscating your SQL may not be worth the hassle.

Anyway, a lot of the SQL I've seen around here comes obfuscated as standard.

于 2009-01-07T16:06:57.977 回答

If you must hide it, how about the "WITH ENCRYPTION" clause?


于 2009-01-07T16:09:45.770 回答

See the ENCRYPTION option for the CREATE PROCEDURE statement.


于 2009-01-07T16:10:32.523 回答

No. At least, not in a way that is irreversible. SQL Server 2000's "WITH ENCRYPTION" can be reversed to get the original plaintext. The pseudo-code and a T-SQL script that illustrates this is here: http://education.sqlfarms.com/education/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=783

Note: I haven't tried it with SQL 2005 or above, but my guess is it is just as vulnerable.. As the MSDN docs state:

ENCRYPTION Indicates that SQL Server will convert the original text of the CREATE PROCEDURE statement to an obfuscated format.

Emphasis is mine.

于 2009-01-07T16:20:21.287 回答

One option would be to place just the sensitive portions of the stored procedure in a CLR stored procedure, and obfuscate that assembly using a professional obfuscation product.


于 2009-01-07T16:27:20.447 回答

如果你知道的话很容易可逆,但对大多数浏览代码的人来说是可怕的。十六进制编码你的存储逻辑,然后用 EXEC(@hexEncodedString) 执行。

于 2009-01-07T16:46:43.433 回答

老帖子,我知道。但我是通过搜索“我为什么要混淆 SQL?”来到这里的。我刚刚安装了一个名为 ApexSQL Refactor(无从属关系)的免费产品,它提供了一个混淆组件。


CrEAtE Procedure spInsertOrUpdateProduct @ProductNumber nVarChar(25),
@ListPrice Money aS IF exIsTS(selECt * FROm Production.Product WHere
ProductNumber=@ProductNumber AnD ListPrice>1000) uPdatE Production.
Product sET ListPrice=(ListPrice-100) where ProductNumber=
@ProductNumber elsE INSerT intO Production.Product(ProductNumber,
ListPrice) SelECT @ProductNumber,@ListPrice GO SElEct * fRoM
Production.Product gO iNsERT iNTo Production.UnitMeasure(
UnitMeasureCode,Name,ModifiedDate) vAlUeS(N'FT2',N'Square Feet',
'20080923'); Go
于 2016-03-18T14:24:15.997 回答

You could use the ENCRYPTION clause when creating the stored procedure.

This would rely on not leaving the source SQL on the customer machine though.

See here for more info:


于 2009-01-07T16:12:05.827 回答

You can always write ordinary code in C# (or VB) and store it outside the database in a DLL.

Then you don't have to worry about obfuscating your SQL.

于 2009-01-07T16:08:26.303 回答

If you're really worried about someone getting into the DB and seeing the source for the procedure, then as S. Lott said, you can port the procedure to C#. I would recommend LINQ.

However, the database itself should probably be protected from people accessing the code for procedures that shouldn't be. You can restrict a user or group's rights to only have EXECUTE access to a proc if needed.

于 2009-01-07T16:11:25.940 回答