I'm trying create-react-app recently,I found that it can only process one default page , which called 'index.html'.I want to know ,if my project is multiple-pages , can I develop my front-end with create-react-app?How?
I know I can use react-router to do my job ,however , I still want to find a way to process multiple pages with create-react-app. Am I wrong ?


1 回答 1


你没有错。可能您只是对多页应用程序和单页应用程序感到困惑。您需要了解和使用react-router模块以及 ReactJS。React 路由器为 React 应用程序提供路由功能。(由于使用反应,您正在创建一个 SPA 单页应用程序)。

有关更多和深入的信息,请查看此链接: https ://github.com/ReactTraining/react-router

于 2017-02-06T18:09:29.240 回答