

Select Distinct
        Substring(Convert(Varchar(10), M.ValueDate, 101), 0, 11) As 'Value Date'
      , base.Reference
      , 'Transaction Discription' As [Transaction Discription]
      , M.Action
      , base.Nominal
      , base.Consideration
      , (BrokerFee + CSDPFee + CSDFee + InvestorProtectionLevyFee + ExchangeFee + GuaranteedFee) As 'Transaction Fee'
      , base.VATFee As 'VAT'
      , base.SecuritiesTransferTax
      , (base.Consideration - (BrokerFee + CSDPFee + CSDFee + InvestorProtectionLevyFee + ExchangeFee + GuaranteedFee)) As [Total Consideration]
      , (Select Top (1)
                Round(Sum((base.Consideration - (BrokerFee + CSDPFee + CSDFee + InvestorProtectionLevyFee + ExchangeFee + GuaranteedFee))), 2)
         From   CashMovements T2
         Where  T2.RowId <= M.RowId
                And T2.AccountNumber = M.AccountNumber
                And T2.Action In ('W', 'D')
        ) As 'RunningTotal'
From    (Select *
         From   Instructions
         Where  instructionId In (Select  Distinct
                                  From      cashmovements As CM
                                  Where     accountnumber In (Select    AccountNumber
                                                              From      CashAccounts
                                                              Where     AccountNumber In (Select Distinct
                                                                                          From      CrossReferences
                                                                                          Where     Class In (Select    ScripAccountId
                                                                                                              From      ScripAccounts))))
        ) As base
Inner Join CashMovements As M
        On M.XReference = base.InstructionId
Where   M.AccountNumber = '00000000006'
        And M.Action In ('W', 'D')
        And base.Consideration <> 0
        And Nominal <> 0
Group By M.ValueDate
      , base.Reference
      , M.Action
      , base.Nominal
      , base.Consideration
      , base.BrokerFee
      , base.VATFee
      , base.CSDPFee
      , base.CSDFee
      , base.InvestorProtectionLevyFee
      , base.ExchangeFee
      , base.GuaranteedFee
      , base.SecuritiesTransferTax
      , M.RowId
      , M.AccountNumber
Order By base.Reference;



> Total Consideration      RunningTotal
> 137.21                    137.21  
> 137.21                    137.21
> 1462.25                   1462.25
> 4406.74                   4406.74
> 1462.25                   1462.25
> 1462.25                   1462.25
> 5878.99                   5878.99


> Total Consideration      RunningTotal
> 137.21                    137.21  
> 137.21                    274.42
> 1462.25                   1736.67
> 4406.74                   6143.41
> 1462.25                   7605.66
> 1462.25                   9067.91
> 5878.99                   14946.9



1 回答 1


如果没有看到数据并且您认为是错误的,很难判断,但我认为您的子查询列应该删除前 1 条语句并且 base.Consideration 可能需要移到选择之外。我也将四舍五入移到了外面:

  , Round(base.Consideration - (Select Sum(BrokerFee + CSDPFee + CSDFee + InvestorProtectionLevyFee + ExchangeFee + GuaranteedFee)
    From   CashMovements T2
    Where  T2.RowId <= M.RowId
    And T2.AccountNumber = M.AccountNumber
    And T2.Action In ('W', 'D')
), 2) As 'RunningTotal'
于 2017-02-06T14:54:34.593 回答