我正在尝试使用 Laravel Mix 编译 webpack 配置文件。
在 Laracasts Vue 2 系列的 webpack 插曲之后,
// Scripts
"scripts": {
"dev": "node node_modules/cross-env/bin/cross-env.js NODE_ENV=development node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --progress --hide-modules --config=node_modules/laravel-mix/setup/webpack.config.js"
// mix
mix.js('resources/assets/js/app.js', 'public/js')
.sass('resources/assets/sass/app.scss', 'public/css')
当我运行 $ npm run dev 时,我收到一个错误:
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR! Failed at the @ dev script 'node node_modules/cross-env/bin/cross-env.js NODE_ENV=development node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --progress --hide-modules --config=node_modules/laravel-mix/setup/webpack.config.js'.
// Running
npm ERR! node v4.4.5
npm ERR! npm v2.15.5
// The error points to
let extractPlugin = new plugins.ExtractTextPlugin(
问题似乎是更新 Node.js 依赖项:https ://github.com/JeffreyWay/laravel-mix/issues/264
如何更新 Node.js 依赖项?
$ brew upgrade node : Error = node not installed
$ node -v = 2.15.5
$ npm -v = 4.4.5
$ brew install node // installs but throws error
Error: The `brew link` step did not complete successfully
The formula built, but is not symlinked into /usr/local
Could not symlink bin/node
Target /usr/local/bin/node
already exists. You may want to remove it:
rm '/usr/local/bin/node'
To force the link and overwrite all conflicting files:
brew link --overwrite node
To list all files that would be deleted:
brew link --overwrite --dry-run node
Possible conflicting files are:
**$ brew upgrade node // says node 7.5.0 already installed**
$ npm run dev // same error
$ node -v = 4.4.5
我还运行了已安装的 $ brew install node ,但出现错误:
brew link
该公式已构建,但未符号链接到 /usr/local。
无法对 bin/node 进行符号链接。
目标 /usr/local/bin/node
rm '/usr/local/bin/node'
brew link --overwrite node
brew link --overwrite --dry-run node