我想在我的本地 Windows 7 机器上安装 bugzilla,并且遇到了与 mysql 类似的问题。
install_driver(mysql) failed: Can't load 'C:/Perl/site/lib/auto/DBD/mysql/mysql.dll' for module DBD::mysql: load_file:The specified module could not be found at C:/Perl/lib/DynaLoader.pm line 230. at (eval 34) line 3
Compilation failed in require at (eval 34) line 3.
但是需要的文件在那里,所以在网上搜索了很多之后,我在一篇文章的评论部分找到了解决方案(http://lpsolit.wordpress.com/2010/05/15/installing-dbdmysql-what -疼痛/):
"For the record, and thanks to glob, the way to fix the problem with Strawberry Perl is to copy C:\strawberry\c\bin\libmysql_.dll to C:\strawberry\perl\vendor\lib\auto\DBD\mysql\libmysql_.dll. Yay!"
有用 !