我创建了两个简单的 Grails V3 域类,其中位置是父 Venue 中的嵌入属性类型,如下所示

import java.time.LocalDate

class Venue {

    String name
    LocalDate dateCreated
    LocalDate lastVisited
    LocalDate lastUpdated
    GeoAddress location

    static hasOne = [location:GeoAddress]

    static embedded =['location']

    static constraints = {
        lastVisited nullable:true
        location    nullable:true
    static mapping = {
        location cascade: "all-delete-orphan", lazy:false  //eager fetch strategy


class   GeoAddress {

    String addressLine1
    String addressLine2
    String addressLine3
    String town
    String county
    String country = "UK"
    String postcode

    static belongsTo = Venue

    static constraints = {
        addressLine1 nullable:true
        addressLine2 nullable:true
        addressLine3 nullable:true
        town         nullable:true
        county       nullable:true
        country      nullable:true
        postcode     nullable:true

但是,当我编写集成测试时 - 我发现位置的级联创建不起作用(我必须在传递到场地之前保存它不再是瞬态的位置。

此外,当我在启用了 flush:true 的场地上运行删除并查询地址时,我仍然得到返回的嵌入式地址 - 我认为使用 flush:true 我会看到我的 GeoAddress 级联删除,但我的测试失败了如我所料,使用 GeoAddress.get(loc.id) 时不要得到空值

class VenueIntegrationSpec extends Specification {
  void "test venue with an address" () {
        when: "create a venue and an address using transitive save on embedded "
            GeoAddress address = new GeoAddress (addressLine1: "myhouse", town: "Ipswich", county: "suffolk", postcode : "IP4 2TH")
            address.save()  //have to save first - else Venue save fails

            Venue v = new Venue (name: "bistro", location: address)
            def result = v.save()

        then: "retrieve venue and check its location loaded eagerly "
            Venue lookupVenue = Venue.get(v.id)
            GeoAddress loc = lookupVenue.location
            loc.postcode == "IP4 2TH"
            loc.town == "Ipswich"

        when: " we delete the venue, it deletes the embedded location (Address)"
            v.delete (flush:true)
            GeoAddress lookupLoc = GeoAddress.get (loc.id)

        then: "address should disppear"
            lookupLoc == null

我以为我已经正确设置了这个,但显然我没有。为什么我对 Venue.save() 和 delete() 的级联操作不会级联到我的嵌入式位置 (GeoAddress) 条目?


4 回答 4


好的 - 我仔细阅读并寻找差异 - 如果我在像这样传递给场地构造函数之前保存嵌入的 GeoAddress 就会发生这种情况(修改后的简单测试)

当我添加额外的 a.save() 时,创建 GeoAddress 后,测试将失败。如果我评论保存并重新运行 - 它工作正常。不确定这是功能还是错误。场地应该进行传递保存,因为 GeoAddress 有一个 stati belongsTo = Venue 声明。

   //new test - reuse embedded  entity - works
    void "test with GeoLocation" () {
        when: ""
        GeoAddress a = new GeoAddress(town:"ipswich")
        Venue v = new Venue (name: "bistro", location: a)
        assert v.save(flush:true)

        Venue lookupVenue = Venue.get(v.id)

        GeoAddress ta = lookupVenue.location
        assert ta.town == "ipswich"

        //try delete
        v.delete (flush:true)

        then : " retrieve temp"
        GeoAddress.findAll().size() == 0

如果有人可以为我评论错误与功能 - 那么如有必要,我可以在 grails 项目上提出错误以修复它。否则我只需要仔细测试并确保我在我的代码中做正确的事

于 2017-02-11T17:24:59.837 回答


cascade: "all-delete-orphan"


在您的情况下,如果我要创建这样的关系,它是hasOneGeoAddress location可能是更好的设置。我知道两者之间存在细微差别。


if (!v.delete(flush:true) { 
  println "---  ${v.errors}" 



. 我对 hasMany 关系也有类似的问题,这是由于底层 hasMany 表关系本身的设置而与其他表共享的记录。诀窍是从对象本身中删除条目:

lookupVenue .removeFromLocation(loc)

正如我所说,这是一个 hasMany 关系

于 2017-02-06T10:12:53.130 回答

非常奇怪,太累了,现在想不通。我尝试了外部实体和嵌入式 - 请参阅下面的调整模型。

我写了太新的测试,两者都有效 - 但原始测试没有。我在做一些奇怪的事情——只是没有发现它。这两个新测试执行相同的流程 - 只是变量不同 - 两者都有效。所以问题出在第一次测试上。


class VenueIntegrationSpec extends Specification {

    def setup() {

    def cleanup() {

    //original test -  this fails, have to explicitly delete loc to make it work 
    void "test venue with an address" () {
        when: "create a venue and an address using transitive save on embedded "
            GeoAddress address = new GeoAddress (addressLine1: "myhouse", town: "Ipswich", county: "suffolk", postcode : "IP4 2TH")
            Venue v = new Venue (name: "bistro", location: address)
            def result = v.save(flush:true)

        then: "retrieve venue and check its location loaded eagerly "
            Venue lookupVenue = Venue.get(v.id)
            GeoAddress loc = lookupVenue.location
            loc.postcode == "IP4 2TH"
            loc.town == "Ipswich"

        when: " we delete the venue, it deletes the embedded location (Address)"
            v.delete (flush:true)
            if (v.hasErrors())
                println "errors: $v.errors"

            GeoAddress lookupLoc = GeoAddress.get (loc.id)

        then: "address should disppear"
            Venue.get (v.id) == null
            lookupLoc == null

    //new test - external entity - works 
    void "test with tempLocation" () {
        when: ""
            TempLocation temp = new TempLocation(name:"will")
            Venue v = new Venue (name: "bistro", temp: temp)
            assert v.save(flush:true)

            Venue lookupVenue = Venue.get(v.id)

            TempLocation t = lookupVenue.temp
            assert t.name == "will"

            //try delete
            v.delete (flush:true)

        then : " retrieve temp"
            TempLocation.findAll().size() == 0

    //new test - reuse embedded  entity - works 
    void "test with GeoLocation" () {
        when: ""
        GeoAddress a = new GeoAddress(town:"ipswich")
        Venue v = new Venue (name: "bistro", location: a)
        assert v.save(flush:true)

        Venue lookupVenue = Venue.get(v.id)

        GeoAddress ta = lookupVenue.location
        assert ta.town == "ipswich"

        //try delete
        v.delete (flush:true)

        then : " retrieve temp"
        GeoAddress.findAll().size() == 0

修改后的测试主题 - 带有嵌入 GeoAddress 的 Venue.groovy

class Venue {

    String name
    LocalDate dateCreated
    LocalDate lastVisited
    LocalDate lastUpdated
    GeoAddress location
    Collection posts

    //test behaviour
    TempLocation temp

    static hasOne = [location:GeoAddress, temp:TempLocation]
    static hasMany = [posts:Post]
    static embedded =['location']

    static constraints = {
        lastVisited nullable:true
        location    nullable:true, unique:true
        posts       nullable:true
        temp        nullable:true //remove later
    static mapping = {
        location cascade: "all-delete-orphan", lazy:false, unique:true  //eager fetch strategy
        posts    sorted: "desc"
        temp     cascade: "all-delete-orphan", lazy:false, unique:true //remove later

class   GeoAddress {

    String addressLine1
    String addressLine2
    String addressLine3
    String town
    String county
    String country = "UK"
    String postcode

    static belongsTo = Venue

    static constraints = {
        addressLine1 nullable:true
        addressLine2 nullable:true
        addressLine3 nullable:true
        town         nullable:true
        county       nullable:true
        country      nullable:true
        postcode     nullable:true

用于破解的新外部地址/位置版本。具有相同 beongsTo/constraint 逻辑的简化版 geoAddress

class TempLocation {

    String name

    //setup birdiectional one to one, cascade owned on venue
    static belongsTo = [venue:Venue]

    static constraints = {
        name nullable:true


于 2017-02-07T22:48:46.650 回答

我认为这是一个错误配置。嵌入意味着实体嵌入在域类中。通常这是一个普通的 POJO,位于 domainclass 文件夹之外(以及 src/groovy 文件夹中)。嵌入实体的所有字段都包含在嵌入实体的表中。hasone 设置两个域类实体之间的关系。所以要么使用嵌入式,要么使用 hasOne,但不要同时使用两者。

此外,级联保存深度嵌套的实体存在问题,这在 3.2.5 中得到解决。

于 2017-02-09T23:26:38.207 回答