For the purposes of saving space and organizing, I'm zipping bunch of files in my local and networked folders. They are mainly CAD files, like stp, igs, etc.

There are already existing zip files and some are extracted by other users, but the zip file still exists on the folders, which eats up space.

Is there a command line zip, rar, 7z. etc. to find out if an archive file contains only 1 file?

I'd like to figure this out as I'll extract the archives with single files in to the current directory whilst extracting archives with 1+ files to \archivename\ folder. Otherwise one folder with 30 STP files, will suddenly have 30 folders and 30 files extracted in them which I don't want.

I currently use a batch file with WinRAR to extract and another program to check for duplicates, then WinRAR batch to re-zip them based on file extension. (Reason: people use different archive methods and there are duplicates of files all over.)

Sample batch files:

for /F "delims=," %%f in ('dir *.stp /B' ) do (%path% a -afzip -r- -m5 -ed -ep -or -tl -y -df "%%f".zip "%%f")

for /F "delims=;" %%f in ('dir *.7z /B /S' ) do (%path% x -OR -ilogC:\Users\XXXX\Desktop\myLog.txt "%%f" "%%~dpf"\"%%~nf"\)

Once I can check for number of files in a zip, I'll add a recursive function.

I can use NTFS compression, but I also want to organize the folders, some folder have 1000 files in them, I surely want to reduce that to 1. These are mainly for archiving purposes.

Any help or thought would be appreciated.


2 回答 2



@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion

rem Extract all 7-Zip, RAR and ZIP archives in current directory into
rem subdirectories with name of archive file as name for subdirectory (-ad)
rem with running WinRAR for extraction in background (-ibck) which means
rem minimized to system tray with restoring also last access time (-tsa)
rem and creation time (-tsc) if existing in archive file and with skipping
rem files on extraction perhaps already present in the subdirectory with
rem same last modification time (-u), but overwriting automatically older
rem files in subdirectory if archive file contains an existing file with
rem a newer last modification time (-y) ignoring all errors (also -y).

for %%I in (7z rar zip) do "%ProgramFiles%\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" x -ad -ibck -tsa -tsc -u -y *.%%I

rem If a subdirectory contains only 1 file, move that file to the current
rem directory with overwriting a perhaps already existing file with same
rem name in current directory and then remove the subdirectory.

for /D %%I in (*) do call :CheckSubDir "%%I"

rem Exit processing of the batch file without fall through to subroutine.
goto :EOF

rem The subroutine CheckSubDir first checks for directories in directory
rem passed as parameter to the subroutine. A directory containing at
rem least one subdirectory is kept without any further processing.

rem If the directory does not contain a subdirectory, it searches for files
rem in the directory. If there are at least 2 files, the directory is kept
rem without any further processing.

rem But if the directory contains only 1 file, this file is moved to
rem current directory. Then the empty directory is deleted before exiting
rem the subroutine and continue batch file processing in calling loop.
rem Each directory containing no subdirectory and no file is removed, too.

for /F "delims=" %%D in ('dir /AD /B "%~1\*" 2^>nul') do goto :EOF
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set FileCount=0
for /F "delims=" %%F in ('dir /A-D /B "%~1\*" 2^>nul') do (
    set /A FileCount+=1
    if !FileCount! == 2 endlocal & goto :EOF
    set "FileName=%%F"
if %FileCount% == 1 move /Y "%~1\%FileName%" "%FileName%"
rd "%~1"
goto :EOF



WinRAR在解压时支持多种存档类型。但WinRAR.exe它是一个 GUI 应用程序,因此不支持将存档文件的内容列出到控制台作为Rar.exe支持。


WinRAR.exeRar.exe/之间支持的命令的差异UnRAR.exe可以通过在 WinRAR 中打开帮助来查看,方法是在菜单项帮助主题上单击菜单帮助,在帮助选项卡上打开内容列表项命令行模式,打开列表项命令,单击列表项按字母顺序排列的命令列表 ,并将此列表与WinRAR的程序文件文件夹中的文本文件中列出和描述的命令进行比较,该文件是控制台版本的手册。Rar.txt


l[t[a],b] ... 列出存档内容 [技术 [全部],裸露]
v[t[a],b] ... 详细列出存档内容 [技术 [全部],裸露]。


当然也可以使用命令在每个 *.rar 文件上运行Rar.exe或运行,计算上面批处理文件中输出的行数以计算文件并根据行数提取 *.rar 存档文件到当前目录(仅 1 行)或子目录。UnRAR.exelb

但应该考虑到,在使用裸列表格式并且只有 1 行输出时,该行可以是存档文件的名称或存档的空文件夹的名称。解决方案将使用标准列表命令并更多地分析属性,因为目录具有属性D而文件没有此属性。

对于 *.7z 和 *.zip 文件,必须使用7z.exe或进行编码7za.exe7-Zip的帮助还描述了可用的命令和开关,如WinRAR的帮助。


首先单独运行7-ZipRar仅列出每个存档文件内容,分析列表,然后在存档文件上再次运行7-ZipRar以进行提取比仅运行WinRAR 3 次(或更少)以提取所有文件要慢得多存档,然后移动一些文件并删除一些目录。


  • call /?
  • dir /?
  • echo /?
  • endlocal /?
  • for /?
  • goto /?
  • move /?
  • rd /?
  • set /?
  • setlocal /?

另请参阅 Microsoft TechNet 文章使用命令重定向运算符

于 2017-02-04T16:21:34.217 回答

以问题文字为例,以下批次使用 7z.exe(必须可通过路径访问)列表 (l)-选项通过过滤最后一行来获取存档中包含的文件数。

@Echo off
Set Base=q:\Test
Pushd "%Base%"
For /f "delims=" %%A in (
  'Dir /B/S/A-D *.zip *.7z *.rar'
) Do For /f "tokens=5" %%B in (
  ' 7z.exe l "%%~A" ^| findstr "files$" '
) Do If %%B equ 1 (
  Echo Archive %%A contains 1 file
) else (
  Echo Archive %%A contains %%B files


Archive q:\Test\archiv.7z contains 135 files
Archive q:\Test\PoSh\powershellitunes\PowerScript-itunes.7z contains 1 file
Archive q:\Test\PoSh\_pdf_itextsharp\extract_pdf_pages_into_new_323689.zip contains 3 files
Archive q:\Test\_StackOverflow\Noodles\Filter0.8.zip contains 4 files
Archive q:\Test\2016\12\16\Path.rar contains 7 files
Archive q:\Test\_AllHelp.Win\allhelp.zip contains 7 files
Archive q:\Test\2017-02\pkzipc_40.rar contains 10 files
于 2017-02-04T18:31:43.287 回答