正如 Ryan Calhoun 在他之前的回答中所说,REXML 使用 80 作为其换行线长度。我很确定这是一个错误(尽管我现在找不到错误报告)。我能够通过覆盖 Formatters::Pretty 类的 write_text 方法来修复它,以便它使用可配置的 @width 属性而不是硬编码的 80。
require "rubygems"
require "rexml/document"
include REXML
long_xml = "<root><tag>As Ryan Calhoun said in his previous answer, REXML uses 80 as its wrap line length. I'm pretty sure this is a bug (although I couldn't find a bug report just now). I was able to *fix* it by overwriting the Formatters::Pretty class's write_text method.</tag></root>"
xml = Document.new(long_xml)
#fix bug in REXML::Formatters::Pretty
class MyPrecious < REXML::Formatters::Pretty
def write_text( node, output )
s = node.to_s()
s.gsub!(/\s/,' ')
s.squeeze!(" ")
#The Pretty formatter code mistakenly used 80 instead of the @width variable
#s = wrap(s, 80-@level)
s = wrap(s, @width-@level)
s = indent_text(s, @level, " ", true)
output << (' '*@level + s)
printer = MyPrecious.new(5)
printer.width = 1000
printer.compact = true
printer.write(xml, STDOUT)