我正在开发一个项目,其中 3 个文本文件存储到一个文件夹中。我试图避免将 3 个路径硬编码到源文件中。
话虽如此,我想通过在提示符下键入来运行程序:java sourceCode folderName。
import java.util.Scanner ;
import java.io.*;
public class Indexes {
//main method
public static void main (String[] args)throws IOException {
for (String MyFolder: args) {
Scanner textFile =new Scanner(inputFile);
//read the inputFile
//two other objects
File input =new File(inputFile);
Scanner scan=new Scanner(input);
int thesize=0;
int page=0;
while (scan.hasNext()){
String readprt=scan.next();
//char[] c = s.toCharArray(); //conversion into character
char [] charArray=readprt.toCharArray(); //conversion of word of type string into type character
int size=charArray.length ; //length of word
thesize +=size;
if (thesize <=100){
import java.util.Scanner ;
import java.io.*;
public class Indexes {
//creation of constructor
public ReadFile (String inf){
public WriteFile (String outf){
} */
//main method
public static void main (String[] args)throws IOException {
for (String MyFolder: args) {
//create objects for ("huckfinn.txt")
//String inputFile="huckfinn.txt" ; //, outputFile="huckfinn_output.txt" ;
String inputFile=MyFolder ;
Scanner textFile =new Scanner(inputFile);
//read the inputFile
//write into the outputFiles by defining an object for each of the files
PrintWriter printer1 =new PrintWriter("C:/Users/youpi/Desktop/DataScience/DS730/Lesson2/MyFolder/huckfinn_output.txt");
PrintWriter printer2 =new PrintWriter("C:/Users/youpi/Desktop/DataScience/DS730/Lesson2/MyFolder/wap_output.txt");
PrintWriter printer3 =new PrintWriter("C:/Users/youpi/Desktop/DataScience/DS730/Lesson2/MyFolder/moby_output.txt");
//two other objects
File input =new File(inputFile);
Scanner scan=new Scanner(input);
int thesize=0;
int page=0;
while (scan.hasNext()){
String readprt=scan.next();
//char[] c = s.toCharArray(); //conversion into character
char [] charArray=readprt.toCharArray(); //conversion of word of type string into type character
int size=charArray.length ; //length of word
/*printer1.println(readprt+":"+" "+size); */
//printer1.println("Size of"+" "+readprt+":"+ " "+counter);
//printer2.println(readprt+":"+" "+size);
//printer2.println("Size of"+" "+readprt+":"+ " "+counter);
//printer3.println(readprt+":"+" "+size);
//printer3.println("Size of"+" "+readprt+":"+ " "+counter);
//read next word on the next line
/* }
} */
// the government of the people by the people
thesize +=size;
if (thesize <=100){
printer1.println(readprt+":"+" "+size);
printer2.println(readprt+":"+" "+size);
printer3.println(readprt+":"+" "+size);
continue ;
} else {
page ++;
printer1.println("character count <=100:"+ " "+(thesize-size));
printer1.println(" Page"+" "+"-"+page+"-"+" ");
printer2.println("character count <=100:"+ " "+(thesize-size));
printer2.println(" Page"+" "+"-"+page+"-"+" ");
printer3.println("character count <=100:"+ " "+(thesize-size));
printer3.println(" Page"+" "+"-"+page+"-"+" ");
//close objects
//object to read in methods
//Index ReadObj = new Index();