我在基于 Spring 数据 JPA 的应用程序中使用 JPA Criteria API。我的服务类使用静态方法来检索Specifications,然后可以将它们组合在一起以形成特定的查询。例如


在这里,我使用了两种返回 Specifications 的方法,并应用了适当的标准。这就是这两种方法的样子

public static Specification<SomeEntity> matchById(String str) {
    return (root, criteriaQuery, cb) -> 
        cb.like(root.get(SomeEntity_.id).as(String.class), str + "%");

public static Specification<SomeEntity> matchByName(String str) {
    return (root, criteriaQuery, cb) -> {
        cb.or(cb.like(cb.lower(root.get(SomeEntity_.firstName)), str.toLowerCase() + "%"),
              cb.like(cb.lower(root.get(SomeEntity_.lastName)), str.toLowerCase() + "%")


root.fetch(SomeEntity_.employee, JoinType.INNER);

这样一来,使用静态规范方法的任意组合构建的所有查询都使用FETCH JOIN.

如果我将此语句添加到两个静态方法中,则 INNER JOIN 会应用两次,这似乎不正确。理想情况下,我认为我应该有另一个只应用FETCH JOIN并返回规范的静态方法,但我似乎无法弄清楚如何在Predicate不使用任何criteriaBuilder方法的情况下返回 a。为了澄清,这就是我的方法应该是这样的:

public static Specification<SomeEntity> start() {
    return (root, criteriaQuery, criteriaBuilder) -> {
        root.fetch(SomeEntity_.employee, JoinType.INNER);

        // NOW RETURN WHAT ???
        return null;



1 回答 1


我过去使用的一种解决方案是引入一个CriteriaQueryHelper类,该类允许我为它提供几个 JPA 类,它将决定是应该构造新的连接或提取还是重用现有的连接或提取。



public class CriteriaQueryHelper {

  // for List<> attributes, get or create a join
  // other implementations would be needed for other container types likely.
  public static <X, Y, Z> ListJoin<X, Y> getOrCreateJoin(
                From<Z, X> root, 
                ListAttribute<X, Y> attribute,
                JoiNType joinType) {
    ListJoin<X, Y> join = (ListJoin<X, Y>) getJoin( root, attribute, joinType );
    return join != null ? join : root.join( attribute, joinType );

  // gets the join, looking at join-fetch first, followed by joins
  private static <X, Y, Z> Join<X, Y> getJoin(
                From<Z,X> root, 
                Attribute<?, Y> attribute, 
                JoinType joinType) {
    Join<X, Y> fetchJoin = getJoinFromFetches( root, attribute );
    if ( fetchJoin != null ) {
      return fetchJoin; 
    Join<X, Y> join = getJoinFromJoins( root, attribute, joinType );
    return join;

  // gets a join from fetch
  private static <X, Y, Z> Join<X, Y> getJoinFromFetches(
                 From<Z, X> root, 
                 Attribute<?, Y> attribute) {
    for ( Fetch<X, ?> fetch : root.getFetches() ) {
      final Class<?> attributeClass = fetch.getAttribute().getClass();
      if ( attributeClass.isAssignableFrom( attribute.getClass() ) ) {       
        final String name = attribute.getName();
        if ( name.equals( fetch.getAttribute().getName() ) ) {
          return (Join<X, Y>) fetch;
    return null;

  // gets a join from joins
  private static <X, Y, Z> Join<X, Y> getJoinFromJoins(
                 From<Z, X> root, 
                 Attribute<?, Y> attribute,
                 JoinType joinType) {
    for ( Join<?, ?> fetch : root.getJoins() ) {
      final String joinName = join.getAttribute().getName();
      if ( joinName.equals( attribute.getName() ) ) {
        if ( join.getJoinType().equals( joinType ) ) {
          return (Join<X, Y>) join;
    return null;
于 2017-02-01T21:07:45.897 回答