我有一个包含 4 个节点的图,其中邻接矩阵如下: 里面的数字表示权重。

1 |   | 10| 5 | 1
2 |10 |   |   |
3 | 5 |   |   |  
4 | 1 |   |   |

我正在使用斐波那契堆来存储边缘权重。在每次迭代中,我将合并具有最低边权重的节点对,并更新受此过程影响的所有节点的边权重。我正在努力解决如何保留指向所有受影响节点的指针。我知道处理程序,但是..我真的很挣扎。我希望有人能给我一些关于如何实现这一点的指示,请不要对这篇文章投反对票。我已经完成了作业,安装了 boost,设法让一个简单的堆工作。我只是迷失了如何在给定索引的情况下找到堆。

struct radig_distance
    float distance;
    int id1, id2;

    radig_distance(int i, int j, float dist) : id1(i), id2(j), distance(dist) { }

struct compare_dist
    //for min heap implementation
    bool operator()(const radig_distance& n1, const radig_distance& n2) const
        return n1.distance > n2.distance;

//fibonacci heap test
boost::heap::fibonacci_heap<radig_distance, boost::heap::compare<compare_dist>> test_heap;
vector<boost::heap::fibonacci_heap<radig_distance, boost::heap::compare<compare_dist>>::handle_type> test_handle;

test_handle.push_back(test_heap.push(radig_distance(1, 2, 10)));
test_handle.push_back(test_heap.push(radig_distance(1, 3, 5)));
test_handle.push_back(test_heap.push(radig_distance(1, 4, 1)));

// nodes that will be affected after merge of 1 and 4
// 2 and 3
int n[2] = { 2, 3 };

//remove edge with min element

//update affected nodes. merged nodes will be given id of max + 1
//obviously wrong. how can i immediately access nodes whose id2 are 2 and 3 
test_heap.update(test_handle[n[0]], radig_distance(5, n[0], 9.5));
test_heap.update(test_handle[n[1]], radig_distance(5, n[1], 4.5));

合并后,边权重将更新,合并节点的 id 将更改为 total_number_of_nodes++。

5 |   | 9.5| 4.5 
2 |9.5|   |   
3 | 4.5|   |     




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