When I start up zeus, it does not offer zeus cucumber as one of the possible commands. Others seem to get this by default; At least I have seen a couple zeus write-ups that show the output from zeus start including zeus cucumber, and they don't say anything about that having been special or required extra configuration.

I don't really even know where to start to troubleshoot this; I have googled and searched here for "use cucumber with zeus." I get no setup discussions. The only results I get are from people who seem to take for granted that it should be there, and are investigating problems with it not functioning correctly.


1 回答 1


您应该使用来自 Zeus 的自定义计划文件。将其另存为custom_plan.rb应用程序的根目录:

require 'zeus/rails'                   

# 1. Add the cucumber methods (below) to your custom plan (or take this file if
# you don't have an existing custom_plan).
# 2. Add the following line to the test_environment section of your zeus.json:
#   "cucumber_environment": {"cucumber": []}

class CucumberPlan < Zeus::Rails         
  def cucumber_environment
    ::Rails.env = ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = 'test'
    require 'cucumber/rspec/disable_option_parser'
    require 'cucumber/cli/main'
    @cucumber_runtime = Cucumber::Runtime.new

  def cucumber(argv=ARGV)
    cucumber_main = Cucumber::Cli::Main.new(argv.dup)
    had_failures = cucumber_main.execute!(@cucumber_runtime)
    exit_code = had_failures ? 1 : 0
    exit exit_code

Zeus.plan = CucumberPlan.new
于 2017-01-30T22:39:47.810 回答