I'm just started to take the nand2tetris course ! In the first project, it's demanded to build logic gates with "Nand" starting with "Not". Well, it was easy at the beginning, building or, and, xor. But then came "Multiplexor". It took me a while deciding which gates to use... Then I discovered a new technique called "Canonical Representation" and the problem are easily solved.

But here comes the issue : De-multiplexor !!! It has two outputs, so I'm stuck, how to implement this two output gate using Canonical Representation ?

^ above is solved ^

And I have a more general problem. How do you people build these gates ! Is it possible to logically come with an implementation of a Multiplexor gate for instance ?


1 回答 1




/** * Demultiplexor: * {a, b} = {in, 0} if sel == 0 * {0, in} if sel == 1 */

只需构建两个电路,一个计算 a,一个计算 b。您可以将输入(in 和 sel)连接到两个电路。

于 2017-01-30T16:54:30.413 回答