我使用的是旧版本的 PSPDFKit 3.7.0,并且我想将墨水和其他注释限制在 PSPDFDocument/Page 上,而不是在整个 PSPDFViewController 上绘图。我尝试了 clipToPageBoundaries 但它不起作用。


1 回答 1


We've solved this a few years ago - PSPDFKit at the time I'm writing this is not at v6.4. While I can't recall the details, we introduced clipping logic in PSPDFDrawView but there've been so many changes that it's impossible to explain in detail. We've also changed drawing from being image-based to using shapes/OpenGL a while back to greatly improve performance, especially for larger drawings.

PSPDFKit is a commercial SDK for iOS, Android and Web. We can only keep working on it because of our amazing customers that support us every year with renewing their subscription. Feel free to contact our sales team if you want to save yourself from the trouble of manually trying to fix bugs in a many-year-old codebase with a long list of known bugs that we fixed since then.

Support and Updates are always tied together as a package, but maybe this answer helps you out a bit.

-- Peter, Founder of PSPDFKit

于 2017-01-31T14:15:30.160 回答