Can I use shift register to pass data from cases to cases(case structure)? I added shift register to my while loop, inside my while loop I have a case structure, I want to store data in the shift register from the 1st case and transfer it to the 2nd case, how am I going to do so?


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Yes, that's exactly the sort of thing a shift register is used for. Just wire the data out of the case structure into the shift register input on the right-hand side of the While loop, like this:

While loop with case structure and shift register (VI snippet)

This is a VI snippet so you can drag it on to your VI diagram to import the code.

If you use a shift register to pass a value out of a case structure and use that value as the case selector on the next loop iteration, you've created a state machine. This is a very useful design pattern in LabVIEW applications. Here's a tutorial on the NI site to help you get started with them.

于 2017-01-29T14:18:25.197 回答