我正在使用 AngleSharp,并且想知道如何将 HTML 部分转换为 SVG、XML 或其他自定义括号支持格式。

问题:如何构建自定义 AngleSharp IElement,然后转换自定义元素内的 div(或链接)内容,即获取我找到的 div/链接,然后将 div 内容放入自定义元素中


var divToTransform = document.QuerySelector("div.class1.class2");
// need a custom transform, something simple like replacing the tags
new IElement myCustomeAngleBracketQml = new CustomeAngleBracketQml(divToTransform);
//something simple like replacing the tags
myCustomeAngleBracketQml.Replace("div", Tag).With("QmlDiv");
//insert the content
myCustomeAngleBracketQml.TextContent = divToTransform.innerContent();
//1) how to put this back in the place of the original div, after deleting that div?
///2) *how to target a specific node in the Dom
document./*after Div with class, or Div with Id*/.AppendChild(element);



1 回答 1


使用 Xml Linq XElement

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

            XElement doc = new XElement("QmlDiv", new object[] {
                new XElement("class1", new object[] {
                    new XElement("class2",divToTransform.innerContent)
于 2017-01-28T05:49:11.157 回答