I’m trying to GET data from another web service, then transform it and return it. I found a Spotify example in the docs, but I’m not sure how to return a portion of the JSON.

drop.get("music") { request in
    guard let query = request.data["q"]?.string else {
        throw Abort.badRequest

    let result = try drop.client.get(
        query: ["type": "artist", "q": query]

    return result.data["artists"]?.array

I'm getting this error when I try to build: error: return expression of type '[Polymorphic]?' does not conform to 'ResponseRepresentable'


1 回答 1


Your result.data is Content, which could be anything. You need to first make sure it's JSON, and then you can return it.

drop.get("music") { request in
    guard let query = request.data["q"]?.string else {
        throw Abort.badRequest

    let result = try drop.client.get(
        query: ["type": "artist", "q": query]

        result.status == .ok,
        let artistsJson = result.data["artists"] as? JSON
    else {
        throw Abort.serverError

    return artistsJson
于 2017-01-26T11:42:13.500 回答