in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, I want to set C++ directories (includes, libraries, etc.) for a solution (*.sln) from command line. Until Visual Studio 2003, I've successfully relied upon /useenv option of devenv.exe, started from command line. This does not seem to work on Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition. Directories set by environment variables INCLUDE and LIB are being ignored.

Only reference I've found for this issue is here. It mentions an "External Dependencies" section in: Tools -> Options -> Projects & Solutions -> VC++ Directories. I cannot find such section. I've found what I think is an "External Dependencies" (I'm not sure because I'm running a VS2008 translated to Italian) section in: right click on solution ! Properties ! Shared Properties? ! External Dependencies?, but such section is empty.

I'm running Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Version 9.0.21022.8 RTM and here's the batch

set INCLUDE=C:\Programmi\Microsoft Platform SDK February 2003\Include;C:\Programmi\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\VC7\ATLMFC\INCLUDE
start "devenv.exe" "mySolution.sln" /useenv

"BuildLog.htm" shows this instead:

INCLUDE=C:\boost_1_44_0;C:\Programmi\Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional\VC\include;C:\Programmi\Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional\VC\atlmfc\include

Any help? Thanks.


1 回答 1


我可以向您保证 /useenv 开关仍然有效。我仍然可以从命令行构建我的所有解决方案,直到 VS2010,有和没有 STLport(我首先覆盖 INCLUDE 和 LIB 路径的主要原因)。

我的构建脚本可在此处获得 - http://www.cix.co.uk/~gort/win32.htm#scripts

于 2011-05-17T21:57:02.873 回答