我在 Python 中使用 Django 频道的后端。在其中,我有一个选择在线用户并将数据发送给另一个用户的方法。


似乎“ICE Candidate”的发送随机进入了所有内容的前面,导致错误。有时它仅在响应后调用。

这个初始序列在我的 Javascript 中的 WebRTC 中是否正确?(OnIceCandidate 一直在拍摄)

function getUserMediaSuccess(stream) {
    window.localStream = localStream = stream;
    localVideo.srcObject = stream;
    // localVideo.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(stream);

    var iceServers = {
        'iceServers': [
            {'urls': 'stun:stun.services.mozilla.com'},
            {'urls': 'stun:stun.l.google.com:19302'},

    //creating our RTCPeerConnection object

    peerConnection = new RTCPeerConnection(iceServers);
    console.log("RTCPeerConnection object was created");


    if ('ontrack' in peerConnection) {
        // WebRTC Spec, Firefox
        peerConnection.ontrack = function (event) {
          remoteVideo.srcObject = event.streams[0];
     } else {
        // Chrome, etc. This can be removed once all browsers support `ontrack`
        peerConnection.onaddstream = function (event) {
          // remoteVideo.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(event.stream);
          remoteVideo.srcObject = event.stream;

    //setup ice handling
    //when the browser finds an ice candidate we send it to another peer
    peerConnection.onicecandidate = function (event) {

       if (event.candidate) {
          send("candidate", {candidate: event.candidate});

    peerConnection.ondatachannel = function(event) {
       var receiveChannel = event.channel;
       receiveChannel.onmessage = function(event) {
          console.log("ondatachannel message:", event.data);

  1. 不连接时...

日志 - 用户 1

Websocket Connected
RTCPeerConnection object was created
Send: Notices that it is available...
Received: Found peer
Send: offer
Send: candidate
Received: candidate
Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Error processing ICE candidate
Received: candidate
Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Error processing ICE candidate
Received: answer
Received: candidate

日志 - 用户 2

   Websocket Connected
   RTCPeerConnection object was created
   Send: Notices that it is available...
   Received: candidate
   Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Error processing ICE candidate
   Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Error processing ICE candidate
   Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Error processing ICE candidate
   Received: offer
   Send: answer
   Received: candidate
   Send: candidate
   Received:  candidate
   Send: candidate
   Received: candidate
   Send: candidate
   Received: candidate

  1. 当你连接...

日志 - 用户 1

Websocket Connected
RTCPeerConnection object was created
Send: Notices that it is available...
Received: Found peer
Send: offer
Send: candidate
Received: candidate
Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Error processing ICE candidate
Received: candidate
Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Error processing ICE candidate
Received: answer
Received: candidate

日志 - 用户 2

Websocket Connected
RTCPeerConnection object was created
Send: Notices that it is available...
Received: candidate
Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Error processing ICE candidate
Received: candidate
Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Error processing ICE candidate
Received: candidate
Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Error processing ICE candidate
Received: offer
Send: answer
Send: candidate
Received: candidate
Send: candidate
Received: candidate

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