Can I program the ESP8266 module via USBasp V2.0 and Arduino IDE, or do I need to get a different kind of programming stick?

Here're the pins of the USBasp:

enter image description here

The ESP8266 has the rolling pin setup:

enter image description here

My current setup: USBasp (left) --- ESP8266 (right)

  • Pin2 - VCC --- (3.3V) VCC
  • Pin4 - TXD --- Pin TX
  • Pin6 - RXD --- Pin RX

All remaining ESP8266 pins go to ground on the USBasp.

When connecting to my Mac and starting Arduino IDE, the USBasp board and the ESP8266 LEDs light up.


The USBasp does not show up in the Port section. Whenever I'm trying to upload a sketch these errors show up:

error: espcomm_open failed error: espcomm_upload_mem failed


  • Can I flash an ESP8266 with a USBasp V2.0
  • Is the setup correct?

1 回答 1


您需要在一侧切换 rx 和 tx 引脚。然后您需要将 ESP 上的 CH_PD 引脚拉到 VCC,当您上传到 ESP 时,您需要在通电之前将 GPIO0 拉到 GND。

  • Pin2 - VCC --- (3.3V) VCC
  • Pin2 - VCC --- CH_PD
  • Pin4 - TXD --- 引脚 RX
  • Pin6 - RXD --- 引脚 TX
  • Pin8 - GND --- GPIO 0(仅在编程时)

让 ESP RESET 引脚悬空

然后是最后一件事。看起来 USBasp 是 5v 所以你需要另一个电源为 ESP 女巫是 3.3v。

于 2017-01-27T09:16:40.230 回答