I have a list of string array and I would like to make both collection read-only.

So I have this code:

public XmlPatternTree(IList<string> nodeNames, IList<IList<string>> attributeNames,
        IList<IList<string>> attributeValues) : this()
        NodeNames = new ReadOnlyCollection<string>(nodeNames);
        AttributeNames = new ReadOnlyCollection<ReadOnlyCollection<string>>();
        AttributeValues = attributeValues;
        Depth = NodeNames.Count;

My issue is that AttributeNames and AttributeValues assignments causes a compilation error, it seems that I can create a ReadonlyCollection of ReadonlyCollection from a non-readonly collection of non-readonly objects.

Is there something I can do other than looping over all the values and add them in the list ?



3 回答 3


如果您将类型从更改IList<string>为 just List<string>,则应该可以:

attributeNames.Select((x) => x.AsReadOnly()).ToList().AsReadOnly();


attributeNames.Select((x) => x.ToList().AsReadOnly()).ToList().AsReadOnly();
于 2017-01-25T15:52:56.027 回答

如果 .net 框架的版本高于 4.0,则通用版本的List<>实现IReadOnlyCollection<>接口。如果它对您更方便,您可以将您的签名从 更改IList<ILIst<>>List<List<>>并且应该可以正常工作。

 AttributeNames = attributeNames;
 AttributeValues = attributeValues;
于 2017-01-25T17:11:56.760 回答

只是关于IReadOnlyList<out T>类型协方差的注释(类似于 vasil oreshenski 的回答)。


public XmlPatternTree(IReadOnlyList<string> nodeNames, 
  IReadOnlyList<IReadOnlyList<string>> attributeNames,
  IReadOnlyList<IReadOnlyList<string>> attributeValues) : this()
  NodeNames = nodeNames;
  AttributeNames = attributeNames;
  AttributeValues = attributeValues;

public IReadOnlyList<string> NodeNames { get; private set; }
public IReadOnlyList<IReadOnlyList<string>> AttributeNames  { get; private set; }
public IReadOnlyList<IReadOnlyList<string>> AttributeValues { get; private set; }
public int Depth => NodeNames.Count;


var nn = new List<string>();
var an = new List<string[]>();
var av = new List<string[]>();
// populate 'nn', 'an', and 'av'

// the following compiles with no wrapper class:
var tree = new XmlPatternTree(nn, an, av);


PS!我上面所说和编码的内容IReadOnlyList<out T>也可以完成,IReadOnlyCollection<out T>因为它也是协变的(“ out”)。您只是没有对属性(例如var name = tree.AttrbuteNames[idx1][idx2])的索引器访问权限。但是你可以使用HashSet<>and similar which are not IReadOnlyList<>.

于 2017-01-25T18:05:24.307 回答