我是 .Net C# 开发人员。我想开发有关视频/音频编解码器的媒体编程,从源代码捕获媒体等。我将使用 DirectShow Lib,但是我在 MSDN 上阅读了它,我很困惑,因为我是初学者.

你有最好的教程或一些文章可以让初学者理解在 DirectShow 架构中编程吗?如果是这样,请分享它们。


3 回答 3


Dude, IMO It's better develop direct show in C++, you just should learn how to create COM object and uninitialize it, C++ is faster, and current available library of direct show all are in c++, cases which are in code project in c# are good for learning basic of direct show, but they aren't practical solutions. they are COM wrapper to use them in C#, the speed is main concern and their speed in real time video analyzing is not good. the MSDN is best reference for working with directshow and there are good samples in SDK

于 2010-11-15T10:57:12.857 回答

只需从头开始阅读 MSDN 中的 DirectShow SDK。然后安装GraphEditPlus,尝试构建一些图表,然后从文件菜单中,您可以生成 C# 代码,该代码使用 DirectShowLib for .NET 构建这些图表,看看它是如何做到的。

于 2010-11-16T05:49:41.420 回答