我们正在尝试将容器的构建和部署自动化到在 openshift v3.3 中创建的项目中。从文档中我可以看到,我们需要利用服务帐户来执行此操作,但文档很难理解,而且我在博客中找到的示例无法完成任务。我的工作流程如下,我使用的示例 oc 命令:
# build and push the image works as expected
docker build -t registry.xyz.com/want/want:latest .
docker login --username=<someuser> --password=${BUILDER_TOKEN} registry.xyz.com
docker push registry.xyz.com/<repo>/<image>:<tag>
# This fails with error
oc login https://api.xyz.com --token=${DEPLOYER_TOKEN}
oc project <someproject>
oc new-app registry.xyz.com/<repo>/<image>:<tag>
Notice I login into the rest api interface, select the project and create the app but this fails with the following errors:
error: User "system:serviceaccount:want:deployer" cannot create deploymentconfigs in project "default"
error: User "system:serviceaccount:want:deployer" cannot create services in project "default"