我想从存储在绘图表或表对象中的信息的比较中提取某些信息,正如您更喜欢调用的那样,如果比较成功,则将相关值存储到变量中。我是 Visual lisp 或 Auto Lisp 的新手。所以请你能帮我解决这个问题并逐步解释我。
所以在这个例子中,它将是132156 , 432 y 11存储在三个不同变量或数组中的数字。请帮助我并逐步向我解释可能的解决方案,我对 Lisp 真的很陌生
(setq table (vlax-ename->vla-object (car (entsel ))) )
(setq columns (vlax-get-property table 'Columns))
(setq rows (vlax-get-property table 'rows))
(setq row 1 ) ; 0 is header
(repeat rows
(setq vals nil)
(setq column 0)
(setq txtval (vlax-invoke-method table 'GetText row column ))
; now we have value from first cell in row.
; and now You can go at least two ways.
; 1 check value and make Your analyse, read values from other columns or anything You need
; 2 build array of all values from all cells and after that analyse only array of texts (remove dependency from object table)
; for this sample I choose 1 way.
(if (= txtval "D1") (progn
(repeat 3 ; because You "want to store the information in the next three columns"
(setq column (1+ column))
(setq vals ( append vals (list (vlax-invoke-method table 'GetText row column ))))
(if (not (null vals )) (progn
(setq arrayOfVals (append arrayOfVals (list vals)))
(setq row (1+ row ))
(print arrayOfVals)