尝试在未安装在执行 Windows 批处理命令的 Jenkins 会话中的应用程序上运行 appcert (WACK) 时,在此处出现“错误 0x80070005:添加磁贴失败并出现意外错误”。我编写了一个简单的 C# 包装器以在提升的用户模式下调用 appcert。包装器和基本命令行在 Jenkins 之外在一个未提升的 cmd 窗口中的同一个框中工作......挠头......

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\App Certification Kit\appcert.exe" reset

if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b %errorlevel%

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\App Certification Kit\appcert.exe" test -appxpackagepath %WORKSPACE%\UWP_0.9.%BUILD_NUMBER%.0_x86_x64_arm.appxbundle -reportoutputpath %WORKSPACE%\wack.xml

if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b %errorlevel%

16:32:04 Successfully reset the testing configuration.

16:32:11     Beginning execution of task Detect app type from package.

16:32:11     Task Detect app type from package execution result was success.

16:32:11     Note: Test application type - UapApp.

16:32:11     Beginning execution of task Extract files from package.

16:32:11     Beginning execution of task Performs AppX deployment/cleanup in the IDE scenario..

16:32:11     Task Extract files from package execution result was success.

16:32:11 Root "Trusted Root Certification Authorities"

16:32:11 Signature matches Public Key

16:32:11 Related Certificates:


16:32:11 Exact match:

16:32:11 Element 7:

16:32:11 Serial Number: 1b659911670d2b9f436f7b922e12ed51

16:32:11 Issuer: CN=ED346674-0FA1-4272-85CE-3187C9C86E26

16:32:11  NotBefore: 1/10/2017 4:01 PM

16:32:11  NotAfter: 1/10/2018 10:01 PM

16:32:11 Subject: CN=ED346674-0FA1-4272-85CE-3187C9C86E26

16:32:11 Signature matches Public Key

16:32:11 Root Certificate: Subject matches Issuer

16:32:11 Cert Hash(sha1): 7a 5f 2f 31 7a 88 82 fd e5 12 f6 fb 2d 37 46 1f 29 ff 
01 ef


16:32:11 Certificate "ED346674-0FA1-4272-85CE-3187C9C86E26" already in store.

16:32:11 CertUtil: -addstore command completed successfully.

16:32:11     Task Performs AppX deployment/cleanup in the IDE scenario. 
execution result was failure.


16:32:11 error 0x80070005: Adding a tile failed with unexpected error.

1 回答 1



"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\App Certification Kit\appcert.exe" test -appxpackagepath %WORKSPACE%\UWP_0.9.%BUILD_NUMBER%.0_x86_x64_arm.appxbundle -reportoutputpath %WORKSPACE%\wack.xml

WORKSPACE两次引用的环境变量的值%WORKSPACE%包含当前 Jenkins 作业的当前工作区文件夹的完整路径。

而且我想这个文件夹路径包含 1 个或多个空格,这需要将两个参数字符串括在双引号中才能正确传递给appcert.exe.


"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Windows Kits\10\App Certification Kit\appcert.exe" test -appxpackagepath "%WORKSPACE%\UWP_0.9.%BUILD_NUMBER%.0_x86_x64_arm.appxbundle" -reportoutputpath "%WORKSPACE%\wack.xml"

但是,我使用我最喜欢的 www 搜索引擎进行了非常简单快速的搜索,发现页面Error 0x80070005 with Windows App Certification Kit以及许多其他错误代码 0x80070005 字面意思是资源上的“访问被拒绝”。

于 2017-01-21T19:08:51.743 回答