我正在尝试将 FITS 文件的坐标系从其原始赤道坐标系更改为银河坐标系(以度为单位),以便使用这些坐标来操作生成的 FITS 图像。
import pyfits
f = pyfits.open("im1.fits")
h, data = f[0].header, f[0].data
#Here I would include the transformation from Equatorial to Galactic of
the position array doing something like:
coord = SkyCoord(ra, dec, frame=Galactic, unit='deg')
#This would do the slicing
from astropy.nddata import Cutout2D
from astropy import units as u
from astropy import coordinates
#Given a longitude and latitude
size = [mylon, mylat]
cut = Cutout2D(f, center, size, wcs=wcs)