我在某种程度上是 Xcode 的业余爱好者,这件事对我来说非常重要。

.xcarchive我的朋友使用他的开发人员 ID 发布我的应用程序,他要求我给他*.ipa文件

正如我在 stackoverflow 中阅读的主题.xcarchive具有相同的内容,ipa并且不担心丢失和窃取源代码。



Xcode 中是否有任何安全或提示可以更好地在存档项目之前激活?


1 回答 1


It is normal. In order to publish your app, your friend really needs the xcarchive, because they need to export an IPA file with the appropriate provisioning profile and signed with their code signing identity. Although it's possible to replace the provisioning profile in an IPA file and re-sign it again, it's a daunting task you don't want any of your friends to do. If you trust your friend with publishing your app, you should trust them and share the xcarchive.

When you compare the contents of xcarchive and IPA files, you can see xcarchive contains a dSYMs folder with dSYM files used to desymbolicate your crash logs -- the developer needs that to know in what file and at what line number the application crashed.

于 2017-07-04T09:49:45.700 回答