我在这里使用的库是 momentTz 和 timezone。后者获取由位置许可提供的经纬度插值的时区。然后使用解析的时区将 momentTz 本地提供的 UTC 标准时间转换为所寻求的本地时间。
const startTz = momentTz(); //Returns standard UTC time, independent of locality
const timestamp = 1402629305; // Any random timestamp will work, it wouldn't unnecessarily impede your results
timezone.data(latitudeValue, longitudeValue, timestamp, function(err, tz) {
if (err) {
var zoneHolder = tz.raw_response.timeZoneId; //Appropriate timezone is returned here based on latitudeValue and longitudeValue passed
const localTime = startTz.tz(zoneHolder).format('LLL'); //local time which you seek;