I'm having difficulties similar to this unanswered question: Purescript: Halogen HTML DSL only Renders "id" tags
I'm trying to define a new HTML element. In particular, I would like to display an svg
elem and image
element with some new tags, like x_
, and y_
I'm defining the element like so:
image :: forall p i. Array (Prop i) -> Array (HTML p i) -> HTML p i
image xs = element (tagName "image") xs
image_ :: forall p i. Array (HTML p i) -> HTML p i
image_ = image []
And then attributes I would like:
image :: forall p i. Array (Prop i) -> Array (HTML p i) -> HTML p i
image xs = element (tagName "image") xs
image_ :: forall p i. Array (HTML p i) -> HTML p i
image_ = image []
When I create the element, the program compiles, however only the <image></image>
tags are rendered, without the specified attributes. It seems like the way halogen interfaces with virtual-dom
does not allow me to do this, however, I'm not sure why.
In general, why can't I just add any attributes to a div
, svg
, or image
element? I'm not using Halogen.HTML.Indexed
for any of these elements. Is that the problem?? Is the type checker just missing the fact that these combinations are not allowed because I haven't specified them??
In general, I would like to do something even like:
customProperty :: forall i. String -> String -> Prop i
customProperty p = prop (propName p) (Just $ attrName p)
and then call
image [ customProperty "myProperty" "myPropertyValue" ] []
and have that attribute rendered.
Edit: Reading through the source code, it seems that namespace
has something to do with it, however, I'm not sure how to find the namespace of an already constructed element.