I have an Spring + CXF application which consumes a Transmission API: Transmission RPC running in another server.

According to Transmission docs, you need to send a token which is generated on the first request. The server then responds with a 409 http code along with a header containing the token. This token should be sent on all subsequent calls:

2.3.1. CSRF Protection Most Transmission RPC servers require a X-Transmission-Session-Id header to be sent with requests, to prevent CSRF attacks. When your request has the wrong id -- such as when you send your first request, or when the server expires the CSRF token -- the Transmission RPC server will return an HTTP 409 error with the right X-Transmission-Session-Id in its own headers. So, the correct way to handle a 409 response is to update your X-Transmission-Session-Id and to resend the previous request.

I was looking for solution either using a CXF filter or interceptor, that basically will handle the 409 response and retry the initial request adding the token header. I'm thinking that clients can persist this token and send it in future calls.

I'm not very familiar with cxf so I was wondering if this can be accomplish and how. Any hint would be helpful.



2 回答 2


这里可以使用spring-retry,它现在是一个独立的项目,不再是 spring-batch 的一部分。



RetryTemplate template = new RetryTemplate();
Foo foo = template.execute(new RetryCallback<Foo>() {
    public Foo doWithRetry(RetryContext context) {
         * 1. Check if RetryContext contains the token via hasAttribute. If available set the header else proceed
         * 2. Call the transmission API 
         * 3.a. If API responds with 409, read the token 
         *    3.a.1. Store the token in RetryContext via setAttribute method
         *    3.a.2. Throw a custom exception so that retry kicks in
         * 3.b. If API response is non 409 handle according to business logic
         * 4. Return result



NB :RetryContext的实现RetryContextSupport具有从 Spring 核心继承的hasAttribute&方法setAttributeAttributeAccessor

于 2017-02-13T13:12:01.270 回答

假设您使用的是 Apache CXF JAX RS 客户端,只需为它创建一个自定义运行时异常即可轻松完成ResponseExceptionMapper。所以想法是手动将 409 结果转换为一些异常,然后正确处理它们(在你的情况下重试服务调用)。


public class SpringBootClientApplication {
    // This can e stored somewhere in db or elsewhere 
    private static String lastToken = "";

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(SpringBootClientApplication.class, args);

    CommandLineRunner initWebClientRunner(final TransmissionService service) {
        return new CommandLineRunner() {
            public void run(String... runArgs) throws Exception {
                try {
                    System.out.println(service.sayHello(1, lastToken));
                // catch the TokenExpiredException get the new token and retry
                } catch (TokenExpiredException ex) {
                    lastToken = ex.getNewToken();
                    System.out.println(service.sayHello(1, lastToken));

    public static class TokenExpiredException extends RuntimeException {
        private String newToken;

        public TokenExpiredException(String token) {
            newToken = token;

        public String getNewToken() {
            return newToken;

      * This is where the magic is done !!!!
     public static class TokenExpiredExceptionMapper implements ResponseExceptionMapper<TokenExpiredException> {

        public TokenExpiredException fromResponse(Response r) {
            if (r.getStatus() == 409) {
                return new TokenExpiredException(r.getHeaderString("X-Transmission-Session-Id"));
            return null;


    public interface TransmissionService {
        String sayHello(@PathParam("a") Integer a, @HeaderParam("X-Transmission-Session-Id") String sessionId)
            throws TokenExpiredException;
于 2017-02-15T15:38:18.480 回答