如果 cell.value 是单元格必须包含的所有值中的最小值,我想根据条件更改 datagridview 列的值 "L" ,即低。如果该值是所有 cell.value = "H" 中的最高值,则其余应为中等。这是我到目前为止所做的:
//Function to display interaction as High, Medium and Low
public void ShowInteraction(DataGridView dv, string columnName)
var Max = dv.Rows.Cast<DataGridViewRow>()
.Max(r => Convert.ToDouble(r.Cells[columnName].Value));
List<double> arr = new List<double>();
foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dv.Rows)
if (row != null && row.Cells[columnName].Value != null)
double Min = arr.Min();
//show interaction in datagridview as H, M nad L
foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dv.Rows)
if (row.Cells[columnName].Value != null)
if ((double)row.Cells[columnName].Value == Min)
row.Cells[columnName].Value = Convert.ToString( "L" );
else if ((double)row.Cells[columnName].Value == Max)
row.Cells[columnName].Value = Convert.ToString( "H" );
else if ((double)row.Cells[columnName].Value < Max && (double)row.Cells[columnName].Value > Min)
row.Cells[columnName].Value = Convert.ToString("M");
else if ((double)row.Cells[columnName].Value == 0.0000)
row.Cells[columnName].Value = Convert.ToString("N");
row.Cells[columnName].Value = Convert.ToString("L");